March 2007

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March 2007
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English Translation of this article:
Always on the top. More satisfactions for Piergiorgio Lucidi, musician from Anagni. His album, JazzMoves, has been chosen by an online radio of international reputation which has placed it at disposal of the jazz lovers.
We have already talked about his feats in the musical field. The realization of the album JazzMoves, published in November 2006, grew up him high. After this publication he was reached by telephone from sound and mix engineer of two between the most distinguished jazz moment musicians.
He is the sound engineer of John Scofield , guitarist, and Marcus Miller, bassist.
We are talking about the man who have received three nomination for Grammy Awards
. The telephone call purpose? The sound engineer of the two international reputation musicians, has evaluated the possibility of remixing Piergiorgio Lucidi album. Recordings should take place at New York. And talentuoso and humble Piergiorgio has let us know what he will have to evaluate this opportunity.
Some month ago he was contacted by a promoter which would have wanted him in USA, he wants to show him in the important places of the jazz. Radio Elativo have talked about him and about his album in the last week, defining his work as extraordinary. Infact JazzMoves has already been published by BeatPick FairPlay Music Label , one of the most important recording labels of the world.